Prime Web Application Testing Tools

Web Application

Testing a web app increases the app’s speed, reliability, and efficiency. These tools help reduce turnaround time, boost performance, and enhance the user interface.

Here are a few web app testing tools.

1. testRigor

testRigor helps developers express tests as executable specifications in English directly. Moreover, the test steps are expressed on the end-user level. This means developers do not rely on implementation details like XPaths or CSS Selectors.


  • It has a recorder for web steps
  • Supports integrations with CI/CD and test case management
  • Supports Email and SMS testing

2. Katalon Platform 

Katalon Platform is an automation solution for Web, API, Mobile, and Desktop app testing. It has a large user base that allows beginners and experienced test engineers to understand its versatile and practical features for a free and straightforward testing process.


  • Allows beginners to use record and playback features for creating tests quickly
  • Will enable experts to use built-in keywords and advanced scripting capabilities for improved productivity
  • It offers a centralized report dashboard with insightful charts of all testing stages for better project management.

3. Selenium 

Selenium is an open-source web automation tool that can automate across multiple OS Like Windows, Mac, and Linux and browsers like Firefox, Chrome, and IE, as well as Headless Browsers.


  • Selenium test script can be written in Java, C#, Python, Ruby, PHP, Perl and JavaScript
  • It offers record and playback features with its browser add-on, Selenium IDE
  • Selenium WebDriver helps create more complex and advanced automation scripts

Also Read: Importance of Code Quality and Testing Tools for Developers


HP UFT, or QTP, is a leading cross-platform automation web UI testing tool. UFT uses VBScript as the scripting language and is tightly integrated with HP ALM (Test Management Tool) and HP LoadRunner.


  • It automates Web, Desktop, SAP, Delphi, Net, ActiveX, Flex, Java, Oracle, Mobile, and PeopleSoft apps
  • Helps send test summary to test management tools
  • Helps execute tests from stored scripts

Read More: 21 BEST Website Testing Tools (Web Application Testing) 2023

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