Lenovo Image Incorporates Oort AI Agent to Improve Customer Support

Lenovo Image Incorporates Oort AI Agent to Improve Customer Support

Oort releases Lenovo Image as ZX to integrate Oort TDS (Talk-to-Data Service) into customer support services.

Oort TDS helps businesses create customized AI agents for specific business needs with accuracy and safer AI agent solutions.

The collaboration of Lenovo Image’s customer support with Oort’s innovative solutions will help Lenovo to use Oort’s technology to make their product better, faster, and more efficient while meeting all security and compliance standards.

Lenovo emphasizes using Oort’s distributed storage and computing technology in its customer support to improve support services and deliver better products.

In addition, Lenovo Image’s decision to integrate Oort TDS into their customer support also illustrates the platform’s potential to deliver high customer satisfaction while lowering operational costs.

Read More: Lenovo Image Integrates Oort AI Agent to Enhance Customer Support